

Creator of @PushSilver. Co-creator of @Laravelphp Nova, @TailwindCSS, and @ChipperCI.

Appears in 4 Episodes

North Meets South meets Slightly Caffeinated meets David Hemphill Christmas Extravaganza

Join Jake, Michael, David, TJ, and Chris for a merry chat about tech, holiday antics, and the entertaining Wheel of Fortune game!## LinksEngineering Management for the...

A Belated Christmas Extravaganza

Jake and Michael are joined by TJ Miller (still not the actor), Chris Gmyr, and David Hemphill (neither of whom are actors, either) to look back at 2022, forward to 20...

A Christmas Extravaganza

Jake and Michael are joined by No Plans To Merge's Caleb Porzio and Daniel Coulbourne, as well as TJ Miller (not the actor), and Chris Gmyr to look back at 2021, forwa...

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