North Meets South meets Slightly Caffeinated meets David Hemphill Christmas Extravaganza
Hey. I'm Jake.
Michael:I'm Michael.
Chris:I'm Chris.
TJ:I'm TJ.
David:And I'm David.
Michael:And welcome to the North meets South meets Slightly Caffeinated meets David Hemphill Christmas Extravaganza podcast.
Jake:Very nice. Hey, folks. It is 2024. We are back for another episode of nonsense and, fun and laughs with our good buddies. So we got TJ, Chris, and David on again.
Jake:Guys, thanks for coming back for another episode of our Christmas extravaganza 2024.
TJ:Oh, yeah. Thanks for having us. Thanks for having
David:Yep. Yeah.
Jake:Yeah. David, it's good to go.
Michael:Into this before
Jake:Go ahead.
Michael:Before. We I talked about this. I'm going to get you all. Right? We can't say the c word because every time you say the c word, from this point forward, I'm gonna play this.
Michael:Okay? There will be penalty for saying the c word on the c word podcast.
Jake:We spell it so everybody knows what it is. Because as an Australian, people think the c word means something different when you say that.
Michael:C c h r I s t m a s. So we're gonna try and do a 1 hour podcast about that without saying that, and guarantee
Jake:What's our what's our substitution word?
Michael:There's no substitution.
Jake:You just have to become Holiday Extravaganza Podcast?
Michael:Holiday. Look, don't be the holiday guy. This is Wanda.
Jake:This is
Michael:not this is like, don't get me wrong. We will fail. The idea is to fail and to play it, and then people can can have a play a drinking game every time that the word is said and the song is played. They can have a take a shot.
Jake:I like it. We are speaking of games. We're talking about this just a couple minutes ago. The last couple of years, we've played Family Feud, and David Hemphill has mopped the floor with all of us. And so instead of playing that this year, we are going to be playing wheel of fortune.
Jake:And I have some fun little titles to to you know, I went through. I asked chat GPT, hey. What should I do for a Laravel PHP sort of, you know, podcast wheel of fortune thing?
Jake:And it gave me some cool suggestions, so I think we'll try that. I have a feeling David's also going to wipe the floor with us on this game, but, you know, we'll
David:see. I'm washed.
Jake:We will see. Well, you know, anybody else by the way, speaking of being washed, anybody else feel like they're experiencing more than normal brain fog the last, like, 6 months? Bro, I'm there.
Michael:Months, but certainly David. Certainly post post lauricon has been a bit bit rough for me.
Jake:It's it's been, like, the last 6 months for me, I think. It's just been
David:brainwashed. Now, though.
Jake:Are you really?
David:Yeah. My gosh.
Jake:When was your birthday? When was your birthday?
David:October 14th. Thank you for remembering.
Jake:I I did remember. I remember we messaged it in Telegram. I didn't know you were 40, though. I didn't realize that was your 40th. I would have sent you some terrible stuff in the mail or, like,
David:you know,
Jake:I would have rented a hearse Uber to come to your house and pick you up and have you lay in the casket in the back and drive you to McDonald's or something.
David:That's elaborate.
Jake:Yeah. So one of our friends, they they got a casket and a hearse for, like, the student who's turning 40. It was pretty funny. Actually, I remember that from when I was a kid because how could you forget that. Right?
Michael:It's pretty funny.
Jake:Well, hey. Before we get too much further in the show, for those people who have not met all you wonderful people, we're gonna go through we're going to do your name, your location, your Social Security number, your date of birth, the name of your mother's maiden name.
David:I don't know.
Jake:I'm just playing. I'm just playing. Here. I'll throw it in here into the chat so we can kind of have a spot. Take it or leave it.
Jake:This will be the last time favorite Christmas movie. If it's changed since last time, that's fine. And then we can skip the other ones if we want to. If you want to talk about them, you can. If you don't want want to, no problem.
Jake:So there they are. Michael, kick us off, my friend. I'm gonna go grab a drink.
Michael:Okeydoke. Well, for those of you who listen to the North Meet South podcast, you should hopefully, at this point, know who I am. I'm Michael Dorinda. I am based in Adelaide, South Australia. And I run, host the Lyricon Australia Conference, which is taking up more and more of my time.
Michael:I feel like this year was a very, very full on, event, but I think it paid off for me. End. But my day job is working as a principal engineer at a company called LMG Asset Finance, where we deal with, asset brokers, finance you know, commercial brokers, mortgage brokers, their customers, and then and then, lenders. So banks and financial institutions and things like that. Working on our platform there.
Michael:Favorite Christmas movie? I don't remember what I said last year, but you could ask me what I had for breakfast and I would not be able to tell you what I had for breakfast. But, there was there was a movie that came out last year. It was a Netflix one. And I've been doing this the last couple of years, putting out these new Christmas movies.
Michael:And so the the one last year was with David David Arbor. David Harbour, where he played, like, some kind of viking Santa Claus. Like, he was you know, Santa Claus was a viking in a past life or something like that. So whatever that movie, was
David:Oh, Violent Night? Violent Night. Yeah. Yeah. That was That's pretty good, actually.
Michael:I I I just like the the different take, and that that I've gotten like, people will argue about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Like, his wife is Holly, he's there for Christmas, like, you know, whatever. But now we're just going to the extreme of, like, this is very definitely a Christmas movie. It just also happens to be an action movie. So
Jake:Like Red One? Red One's that new one that just came out? Yeah. Yeah. I haven't seen that yet.
David:We were talking about Violent Night. Did you watch that one?
Jake:Yeah. I I heard all you guys. I I have not seen Violent Night, but it looks good. I remember watching the previous bit. Oh, that looks really good.
Jake:I should watch that now.
David:It was actually pretty good. It's pretty fun to watch. It was Very bloody.
Michael:It was, like, it was very definitely a cross between Die Hard and, Home Alone.
Jake:Love it. I thought. Was it? Oh, and Home Alone, really? Well, that's the classic.
Jake:Right? That's a favorite
David:right now.
Michael:Explicitly a crossover between
Michael:Die Hard, but, you know, it just it makes the action with, you know, the, like, the jovial action of Home Alone, you know, with the, more extreme kind of violence. I mean, it was called Violent Night. So there you go. Most significant life event this year would be I mean, Laracon AU, that
Jake:You're drawn. Yeah.
Michael:It is like, I feel like it's the one every year since I had kids, because, you know, I'm not having any more kids now. But Laracon AU, we just try keep trying to get bigger and better with with that. And so we we changed cities this year, you know, we picked everything up and moved it to a new venue in a new city, and everything was completely different this year in terms of all of that kind of stuff. And I think, you know, feedback was that we knocked it out of the park, which is very pleasing. And and I just sent the paperwork to the venue to lock in our dates for 2025.
Michael:So we are ready to roll. We'll hit the ground running in, next year because we know what we're doing. We're basically we're gonna run it back. We're gonna do, you know, the same kinds of stuff. We'll put some different differences in there, of course, because you don't wanna do exactly the same things.
Michael:But, yeah, I think by and large, we'll run it back and and just see if we can improve in the experience. So I guess something that I would like to learn about next year is whether or not I can, in fact, top what we did this year. I mean, we had fireworks this year, so it's gonna be tricky next year, I think.
Jake:For sure. Yeah. I mean, you you guys you you absolutely killed it this year. Everybody had great things to say about it. So, yeah, good luck with that.
Jake:Now I I think that, I think you should just keep rolling with what you had. Who knows if you'll top it. Right? But people kinda know what to expect, and, I feel like you got a good following, kinda getting yourself back up on your feet after COVID. And so, yeah, I'm sure it'll be great.
Michael:I did I did talk to some people today, like, do we just put, like, a one page up that says buy your discounted ticket for Laracon now? Like,
Jake:we would pay Yeah. People riding on the high. Yeah. I bet you people would.
Michael:Here is here is the cost, like, buy a ticket now. We're not telling you where it is or when it is. Or we might tell you where when it is. But yeah. Just buy the ticket.
Michael:And, it's
Jake:like a little mystery. Yeah. Like, people buy that people buy that crap off eBay. It's like a mystery box. Right?
Jake:Like, you don't know what it's gonna be. You kinda know generally what it's gonna be.
David:Are they like those Amazon return boxes where it's a big tech returns? Yeah. I I wanna do that.
Jake:That's how that we actually I feel like for a while in our town, we had a spot where it was just Amazon returns, and you could just go in and buy Amazon returns. Like, it was, you know
David:That'd be sick. Yeah.
TJ:Yeah. There's a couple places around here like that.
Jake:That's cool. Hey. Let's go over to, Chris next. Chris, name, location, all the stuff.
Chris:Cool. Yeah. Chris Kamere in just, South of Raleigh, North Carolina. See Snap Software Engineer for Curology. We do, subscription boxes for acne, skincare, all the things.
Chris:So been there, almost, 6 years now for a while. So, bunch of exciting, products that we got going on into the the new year. Can't really talk about them too much yet. But stay tuned for that. And I don't know, other news on the podcast.
Chris:So check it out with, TJ and I, slowly caffeinated.
Jake:I've been listening along. It's been good. It's been it's you guys have a good, you guys have a good banter. Good the good back and forth. You know?
Jake:It's like, I it's it's, I think fun for me because I don't get to talk to you guys typically more than maybe once a year like this. And so I I get my little fill of TJ and Chris getting to hear the podcast. So it's fun. Keep up the good work.
Chris:Yeah. It's been fun. I really enjoy doing it, and it just, I don't know. It gives us, like, another little outlet to just chat about whatever, you know, things that don't fit into socials or fit into the chat all the time, just like catching up on life in general. And it's just like just a cool, fun thing to do.
Chris:And we've been talking about it, like we we mentioned on the the show for years now. And, you know, doing the Christmas extravaganza podcast. And it's like, oh, just TJ and Chris still don't have a podcast yet. And finally, we're just like, should we do it? Yeah.
Chris:Let's do it. And it just kicked it off and going pretty well. So glad you guys are enjoying it and Yeah.
Jake:For sure.
Chris:Tens of subscribers. Hopefully, also like it.
Jake:Tens of subscribers. Yeah. Let's be real. Like, we don't we don't I mean, I don't at least I don't do it for the subscriber count. If I did, I would have stopped a long time ago.
Jake:Probably would.
Chris:Yeah. No. Totally. It's just like, just a a fun, you know, activity. And whoever, you know, gets enjoyment out of it, you know, a couple, you know, new things to learn or check out that that we can provide or just, you know, general insight into, like, what we do.
Chris:And I don't know, just life things. Like, it's just cool and fun. So it's been a good time for sure. So yeah. Let's see.
Chris:Favorite Christmas
Jake:People are just people are posting gifts in the Telegram chat. Sorry. Chris is all trying to be serious here. I know. And we just got we just got gifts going on, like like, mad in here.
Jake:Sorry. I don't even have
David:it open.
Jake:Yeah. You're good. You're good, Chris. Keep going. Sorry.
Chris:Favorite Christmas movie. I think I mentioned this, last year, but Bad Santa, and we actually just watched
Jake:that before Bad Santa. I haven't seen that.
Chris:Billy Bob Thornton. It's fantastic. And it's just, like, ridiculous and raunchy. And this, like, drunk ass Santa, like, just, interacting with kids and, like, just fiasco, like, all the time. And just softens up towards the end, towards this, kid that kind of, like, adopts him.
Chris:And I don't know. It's just it's just funny. It's it's just way out there, and just a fun, disgusting Christmas movie for sure. So yeah. If you
Jake:want to That's awesome. Love it. I'll have I know. I said last year I would check it out, and I didn't. So
David:Not for kids. Yeah.
Jake:Not for kids.
Chris:Not for kids. I think the the most, significant life it's kind of been just a process, this year is, I mentioned last year because I think we recorded in beginning of January, a little late last year. But I went on this, like, functional medicine kick and got, like, a bunch of, tests done and, blood work and things, and just, like, things weren't, like, feeling right. So
Jake:just been
Chris:on this journey of, like, adjusting a whole bunch of stuff in my life, like diet, exercise, supplements, things like that, and just really turned around so many things. I won't get into, like, all the details, but basically, like, for different things like blood sugar and cholesterol levels and even, like, testosterone and stuff like that. Just all the things that were supposed to go up have gone up significantly. All the things that have, gone down have gone down significantly. So, super happy with that.
Chris:So kinda this next year, just, like, kinda continuing on that journey and trying to bring in more, like, gym time exercise, muscle building, things like that, because I got a lot of the other things kind of wrapped up in the, in this year's journey. So super excited for that. Lost, like, £30 also. So that was a big bonus. Bro.
Jake:That's that's amazing.
David:That's great. Alright. You gotta tell us the the t level, the very private information. What's that t level running?
Chris:Right now or originally?
David:Oh, originally? Oh, are you higher now? That'd be cool.
Chris:Yeah. It's much higher. I think the original one was, like, 200, 250, something like that. So, like, pretty low. Now it's, around 650, 700.
David:It's a healthy improvement.
Chris:Yeah. And just like all from natural, either supplements, diet changes, exercise, all that stuff. So no no, actual medication or anything else like that.
Jake:Wow. Crazy. Nice.
Chris:You want, like, a ton better.
David:A bet. Yeah.
Jake:Yeah. That makes a big difference.
Chris:Yeah. Totally. Especially with, like, going to the gym, recovery, brain fog, just energy levels, all that stuff, has just been hugely improved. So yeah. Super happy with all that.
Jake:Thank you. That's awesome.
David:Congrats, bro.
Jake:Yeah. Maybe that's what Jake needs. Maybe. His level of Jake
David:low on the t, we can kinda tell.
Michael:We're all we're all getting we're approaching that age. Like, Hemphill's 40. Jake, what? You're 38? 39?
Jake:39. Yeah. I'll turn 40 in May. Yeah.
David:I actually just had the t tested as well. Mhmm. I tested in 2020 at, like, 150. I was feeling pretty bad. And then I tested 3 weeks ago, and it's over 800.
Jake:So Dang, dude. Are you doing supplements for that? No supplements. Just
David:eating better Working out. Working out. Mhmm. Less stress, I think. Trying to get better sleep.
David:Next thing is sleep apnea. I'm gonna test for that. Yeah. Like, there's, like, thing called Lofta. I think you can test at home for it.
Jake:Oh, nice. You just put it on your phone or something?
David:Well, that's like it they you got a thing on your finger, like, it's like the pulse ox and some thing.
Jake:That's cool.
David:But they do it. Yeah. I had the the doctors you know, you see a clinician or whatever online, like, telemedicine, and it was, like Yeah.
David:Literally 30 seconds. Yeah. And that's gonna be anything. Yeah.
Jake:They just have to do it for legal stuff. Yeah. Right. Yep. It's gotta be approved.
Jake:It's sort of like Roe. If you do anything through Roe, they the same thing. It's, like, telehealth. They're, like, take this 2 second survey. Yep.
Jake:You're good.
Jake:Yeah. Okay. David, since you're already talking, give us your stuff.
David:I gotta find the list now. Well, okay. So my name is David Hemphill. I'm located in Springfield, Missouri and Dallas, Texas half the time. I work for Zillow Group on the area team, which is a departure from all the other years where I was lonely and by myself working on Laravel Nova, which I love.
David:I love working there. It's very easy, but in, like, a challenging way.
Jake:I should say it that way. So it doesn't
David:sound like I'm not, you know, not working. My favorite Christmas movie, it's still gotta be the goat, I think, home alone, but I think one of the modern good ones is Christmas Chronicles. I like that one a lot.
Jake:Never seen that one. Christmas one. I feel like I read that one on too.
Michael:That was that was the one with
Jake:Kurt Russell.
Michael:Kurt Russell was.
Jake:Yeah. Oh, okay. Yep.
David:Yeah. So, like, a modern take of on him, but he's it's still faithful ish, you know.
Michael:Yeah. Who knew that we needed Kurt Russell to Santa Claus?
Jake:More Kurt Russell. I love Kurt Russell. Good dude. Yeah.
David:The second one's kinda it's kinda dog, but it's the first one's pretty good, I'd say.
Jake:Oh. Alrighty.
David:Yeah. What's the most significant thing that I like to say?
Jake:I can guess. I can guess. You just said it.
David:I bet I bet you can't.
Jake:You got married this year, bro. How'd you know? Yep. I was there. Did you see me?
Jake:Paparazzi outside. It was great. Yep. Next time. Next time.
David:No. I I didn't have hardly anybody come, honestly. It was in New York, so that it's a little bit of a travel for the family. My mom came.
Jake:Mhmm. Nice.
David:Taylor and Abby came.
Jake:That was nice.
David:That was nice. My kids were there, and I think that's the only other people that were there for me.
Jake:Only other people that were there for me. Well, so your wife is from there originally, though. Right?
David:Yep. She's from the upstate New York. Mhmm. Big Buffalo Bills fan. She's having a great year with them in football.
Jake:Except for, didn't the didn't they just get beat? They just got They
David:just got they just lost. Yeah. Rams?
Jake:I can't believe that.
David:That was a crazy game. They should not have lost that. But yeah. So we
Jake:can actually happy because the lions, the lions will do better with the Bills having lost 1. So Oh, like as far as seeding? I think that's right. Yeah. Yep.
David:Yeah. Man, the Bills are having a
Jake:good year, but the lions, man, they're having a great year. Oh my gosh. TJ TJ, let's go, man. Go lions. Come on, bro.
David:I mean, good for them. Right?
Jake:Yeah. Seriously. It's been forever. I mean, plus last year, it felt like it was it was they were doing really good, and then they had a game against the cowboys. It felt like they got ripped off, and I don't know.
Jake:It was just rough last year. But they were still doing good last year, but this year, it feels like all the pieces are falling in place except for a lot of injuries. We've got a lot of injuries, but, we'll see. Hopefully, by the time the playoffs roll around, we'll get Anzalone back, and I don't know. We'll see.
Jake:It'll be interesting to see what happens. I've heard multiple people be like, oh, yeah. They're going to Super Bowl. That'd be awesome. In fact, I had one crazy fan down in St.
Jake:Louis. Saw my son had a lion's hoodie on.
David:Oh, no.
Jake:And, like, harassed us for, like, 10 minutes about, like, oh, yeah. A lion's. And he was like, the funny lions are going all the way, like, cussing out in front of my kids and stuff. I'm like, okay. Alright.
Jake:And then I went out to the parking lot, and I'm getting in my car, and I hear, hey. Hey. I'm like, what is happening? Turn around, and there's this guy. What is he doing?
Jake:He comes, like, smacks the side of my car. I'm like, what is happening? Like, my kids are in the car. And I look and he had put a lion's sticker or lion's a lion's magnet on my car. He said, give that to your son.
Jake:I give that to all the people I meet. They're the lions fans. I'm like, alright, bud. Like, oh my gosh. I'm just terrified.
Jake:Like, this guy's gonna kill me. That's what people from Detroit do, though. You know? Like, it's it's just,
David:a little no.
Jake:No manners. No manners.
David:They're having an insane year. Yeah. And Yeah. The new wife and I have, I I shouldn't say it like that. I should say the wife and I
Jake:I should say the new wife.
David:The wife. Even though that is technically true. I mean The wife. The new wife and I have already booked our hotel for a potential matchup between the Bills and the Chiefs in the AFC championship. We already got because it'll be a Arrowhead if it is there, if they make it through all this, but so we're gonna go.
Jake:Oh, yeah. Because for both so so but she's a Bills fan, and you're you're and you're the Chiefs fan. Right?
David:Yeah. Because I'm from Missouri.
Jake:I gotta
David:reset. And so when when Bills are playing, I'm rooting for the Bills for her. Yeah. When I the Chiefs plan, I'm rooting for me. I get that.
David:When they're playing against each other, it's all it's all mayhem. You know?
Jake:Well, I remember you said a
David:few drinks and blood.
Jake:Yeah. You said the Chiefs and the Dogs the Dogs dressed up in their, in their you know, accordingly for what team they're rooting for. That's hilarious. Yeah. But we got the the hotel booked,
David:so we're we're gonna go to those that game. We'll never get to that Super Bowl against each other, but, you know, it'd be fine.
Jake:Yeah. But still, this is the closest you can get.
Jake:That's super fun, dude. Oh, that'll be great. If you wanna do something you'd like to learn next year, feel free. Otherwise, we can move on to TJ. I don't know.
Jake:I don't I'd learn everything I wanna learn, I think. I don't know.
David:Something I would like to learn maybe how to be
Jake:a better manager. That's because I'm kinda moving
David:into some of that more of that role of, like, preparing, you know, requirements, talking with stakeholders, you know, that kind of shit. Yep. Talking with people and figuring out what we need to build and and not being tempted to build it myself, that kind of stuff. So that's kind of the seems the track I'm on. Yep.
David:They only got me. They got middle age, told me to be a middle manager. Did you did you
Jake:pick up the book? The book that everyone everyone's got? The Sarah Drasna one?
Michael:No. I haven't. Engineering management for the rest of us.
Jake:Oh, okay. I'll check that one out. That's the
Michael:book. That's the book.
David:Yeah. Apparently. We gotta put that in the notes.
Jake:You gotta you can't you gotta make yourself stop doing the work. Yeah. That's that's the really hard part.
David:Like to do it. Why can't I be like John Carmack?
Jake:You know? It's rough, dude. That's the situation I'm in right now where it's, like, you know, it's, like, I'm doing the work. I'm also trying to get other people to do the work. It's hard.
Jake:It's a hard balance.
David:Especially when you've
Michael:been doing the work for so long. Yeah.
TJ:And you like it. And you
Jake:And you like it. That's the thing. It's like, that's the part that's the best part of the job is, like, you are like, writing the code is why you enjoy the job. So, anyway, it's interesting. It's interesting because, like, the temptation is like, I could just do this myself, you know, instead of writing up all the requirements.
Jake:I could have it done by the time I'm done writing the requirements, I feel like sometimes. And then it's like somebody does it, and you're like, well, not exactly that way, but, okay. Sure. That's fine. Yep.
Jake:Yeah. You know? So I found myself, like, just writing plans and, like, making flowcharts and Mhmm.
David:Wondering, will I ever code again? You know, like, I don't know. Am I gonna be irrelevant? You know?
Jake:Am I on the director of engineering to CTO track? Yeah. That'd be cool. Hey. If you got your CTO $500,000 salary somewhere.
Jake:Yep. That'd be pretty sweet.
Michael:Every time that fork in the road comes up, I'm like, going that way.
Jake:Meanwhile, this 2 week, 2 month project, I'm like, I could
David:code this in, like, 3 to 4 days. They just let me alone by myself to do it.
Jake:Dude, that's the crazy thing to me. It really is. I know that we're not, like I mean, we'll move on to the other stuff, I guess, but, like, it it that is crazy to me. I I feel the same way. Like, if I cleared my entire schedule and stopped worrying about making all the other people do, I could do this.
Jake:I could just write this thing. Yeah. It's real. Yeah. Maybe that's maybe that's just me in my head.
Jake:Maybe I'm not giving any sort of, like, credit to, like, all the the things I would face along the way, you know, all the decision points and all, like, the stuck points you'd get into along the way. It's like, yeah. The clear path is like, yeah. I could do this in a week. Yeah.
Jake:But Yep.
David:Anyway fallacy there.
Jake:Yeah. For sure. For sure. No. Dude, I'm stoked, like honestly, I'm stoked for you.
Jake:It seems like, you know, your work stuff has been way more enjoyable for you since you started hiring since you hired on and started working with a a team, like a team team, where you're kinda working all together on the same stuff. Yeah. A lot of stuff's a
David:lot easier. That's what's wild. You know, I miss aspects of my old life. You know? Definitely the monetary aspect even though I'm obviously, you know, an engineer is gonna get paid well, but it's, you know, that and then literally being able to wake up and go like, I don't wanna do anything today at all and that being fine.
David:But also that's kind of a drag too because Yeah. Some you know, there's like a if you're not self driven in a lot of ways, you'll take advantage of that too too much, which I never really did that much, but it did feel aimless a lot of times. You're like, well, I don't have to build anything. I guess I could just maintain this until eternity.
Jake:I'm just gonna get really good at Rocket League today.
David:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, now it's Fortnite. Now I'm in an unreal and Fortnite.
Jake:That's hilarious. I'm gonna send the sake of for the sake of time and because I'd like to get through at least one round of Jeopardy. Michael, how much time do we have right now? How much time are we on right now? When you teach,
Michael:we're half out.
Jake:I know we do. I know we are. We are half hour. We do have to do teach. Yes.
Jake:And we have to do me. I will go quick. I didn't forget TJ. I just wanted to make sure as we get through TJ, I wanted to know how quickly or if or how many games we'd be able to make it through. I will quit talking.
Jake:TJ, how are you, my friend? Hit us up.
TJ:I'm doing well. Yeah. So, I'm TJ Miller. I'm based out of Metro Detroit here in Michigan. You know, what
David:do I do?
TJ:Where do I work? I, I'm the principal engineer over at GeoCodio. That's, new for me this year and absolutely love it. Amazing group of folks. Just absolutely love what I'm doing.
TJ:And then outside of that, I'm building a prism for Laravel and, an AI L M package, like a unit unified interface for working with just about any AI provider. So that's, that's that, favorite Christmas movie. I'm gonna side with Hemphill on this one, home alone. Like, it's just, it's such a classic. I end up watching it every year.
TJ:Like, it's just it's good stuff. You you can't help but laugh at it. My son loves it, so, you know, that's that's up to the top of the list. And for, like, significant things this year, this year's been a doozy. Got laid off, which sucked, but then landed an absolute dream gig over at Geocodios.
TJ:That was pretty significant for me. And launching Prism has been huge. It's been just, like, such a fun, fun ride and, just getting started with it. So we're in for for some fun stuff next year. And, yeah, I just want to continue learning on that path, like for the next year, like pick up more AI stuff, keep working on Prism and keep pushing that and see how far that goes.
Jake:It's been it's been awesome to watch. A lot of people are super excited about it. It's been cool to see that, like, Taylor's excited about it. You know, you got on Nuno's stuff, and I don't know. Just really good momentum there.
David:And I think shout out from Azure, the team there.
TJ:That was pretty cool.
Jake:What was that now? I missed that. What was it?
TJ:I, I posted earlier today that I, like, opened up an Azure account to, like add Azure to like open AI or to like, oh, add the Azure open AI to like Prism's integration. So they, they commented on that, which was pretty cool. Just kinda getting places.
David:Yeah. That's how it made me feel right there.
Jake:I'm excited. That was, I was like, oh, dude,
TJ:it's fun, man. It's it's been a ride. It's it's especially coming from like sparkle where I held onto that in the dark a little too long and wrote that out to you than like being able to come up with Prism and just rock that out and ride it has been just, I don't know. It's I'm so tickled. It's been, it's, it's gotten way, way more attention and way more interest than I ever could have imagined, and that's just cool.
Jake:That is cool, dude. Right timing. Like, had a good idea. You had good timing and had a good name. Got lucky a little bit too.
Jake:Right? That always helps a little bit as well. So Understand. Yeah. No.
Jake:It's it's good. It's good stuff, dude. Alright. Jake Bennett. I'm from Bloomington, Normal, Illinois.
Jake:I work at Wilbur. I'm the director of innovation and technology there. Favorite Christmas movie? 4 Christmases, I just watched the other night. I don't know if it's my favorite one, but it's freaking hilarious.
Jake:Vince Vaughn and, Reese Witherspoon. Have you guys ever seen that one for Christmases? No? Okay. Well, if you haven't, there's a clip I'll have to send you where there's a baby that Reese Witherspoon is holding, and it vomits all over her.
Jake:And then Vince Vaughn is, like, gagging, and he's about to throw up too. It's it's so it's just great. It's great. You know what? I think I did see that
TJ:last year now that you mentioned it.
Jake:Yeah. And his brothers, like Jon Favreau is, is one of the brothers, and then Tim, what is the country star? Country Tim Tim McGraw. Tim McGraw is the other guy. Yeah.
Jake:Yeah. Yeah. In there.
David:Oh, it's great. Take the girl.
Jake:Don't take the girl. Yeah. So good. So, anyway, good stuff. It's a good movie.
Jake:You should watch it if you haven't watched it. Most significant life event this year? I actually am trying to remember if it was exactly this year. I don't know if it was. It's either late last year or this year, but became part over owner of a company.
Jake:So that was pretty cool. So Caliber is the name of our company. We're coming out with a product called SubroConnect, which is pretty cool. We've been we've spent the last, you know, 6 months probably working on that, in earnest. So getting some cool marketing materials together.
Jake:It's a very niche niche product, but I think it'd be worth some worth some cash, and so there's a lot of interested parties, and it's for insurance companies, And they've got deep pockets, and they seem to be willing to pay for it. So that's pretty cool. I was excited about that. It's basically a data exchange protocol between insurance carriers and subrogation vendors, which, again, super niche, but really, really, really important and a problem that has not been solved by anybody in that space. So really cool.
Jake:We had our first we had our first conference that we went to in Phoenix, like, last month, and it was bonkers. Everybody wanted to talk to us, which I was really excited about, so that was super cool.
David:Jake Bennett, the startup founder.
Jake:That's right. Dude, it was awesome. Timeline. It was so that's right.
David:I thought you were gonna say it was your vasectomy.
Jake:Well, that was a couple years ago. That was a big that that was big not not this year. But yeah. Somebody else. Aaron Francis.
Jake:Yeah. Yeah. There you
David:go. Yeah.
Jake:That boy needs one. Holy cow.
Jake:Something you'd like to learn about next year? I don't know. I I think, honestly, probably related to the start up stuff, like, the the, you know, marketing. We have a guy who's coming on that's actually gonna help with some of the marketing stuff, which I'm really excited about, but, yeah, probably more in that space. It's been good.
Jake:It's been good learning on that stuff. Anyway, that's me, guys, and super thankful, as I said before, to have all you guys on here. You guys wanna have some fun? You guys wanna play some Wheel of Fortune?
David:I'm allergic to fun, but yeah.
Jake:Let's do it. Okay. I'm going to share this portion of my screen. Folks, if you want to watch this, you can watch it on the YouTubes afterwards. So we have got David, Chris, TJ, and Michael all in the, all in the game here.
Jake:We've got a category of Laravel framework. I'm gonna do my very best to remember how this game actually works. So, David, you're up first, so I think the first thing to do is to spin the wheel. Yes. Yes?
Jake:Alright. Let's spin the wheel. Here we go. Spin the wheel, and you have landed on 600. Okay.
Jake:So $600. David, what letter would you like to guess? S. S. Alright.
Jake:One letter, s. Very good. $600. You, oops. Hold on one second.
Jake:Let me see if I can get that right. $600. Okay. So would you like to keep playing or pass or buy a vowel? Those are your options.
David:I'm gonna spin again.
Jake:Okay. He's gonna spin again. Here we go. Spinning the wheel, and you landed on 650. Okay.
Jake:Another letter. D. D? D? Is that right?
David:That's yep. D.
Jake:D. Oh, there's 1 d. I didn't think there was a d in this one. Okay. 1 d, and add that one to your total.
Jake:You're at 12.50. Spin? Like to buy a vowel. Okay. Buy a vowel?
Jake:E. E. K. He's got one e. Wow.
David:Let's spin.
Jake:Alright. Let's spin it. Here we go. Did I tell you guys or what that David was gonna win this one? We'll see.
Jake:R. Here we go. Alright. One r. Very good.
Jake:You got $1700.
David:Gotta spin it.
Jake:Gotta spin it. Let's go for it. Oh, almost at the bank up. You got 500. T.
Jake:T? One t. You're at a total of 22100. What do you wanna do?
David:I'm gonna spin.
Jake:Spin it up? It's getting dangerous here. There's 2 bankrupt spots. $700.
Jake:N. Okay. He knows it now. He got to he's got a couple. Alright.
Jake:We got 3 n's. Alright. You got $21100 for that one there, bringing you to a total of 43100. David's gonna take this one away. Okay.
Jake:What you got? What do you wanna do? Spin? I wanna buy a vowel. Buy a vowel.
Jake:Okay. It's gonna cost you $250. A. A. 3 a's.
David:Let's spin.
Jake:Make me spin it. I wish you guys could hear this. It's so much more fun when you can hear the wheel spin. We heard it the first time. 50.
Michael:Then then it stopped.
Jake:650. Well, my it was my audio. Right? 650. What you got, hemp?
Jake:Let's go with l. L? Oh, one l barely escapes. One l. Okay.
Jake:And you $650 out of their total. $4,700. Go ahead.
David:That's what we gotta spend.
Jake:Let's spend it up.
Michael:Come on, Eacris.
Jake:Oh, congrats. $25100. Alright. What you got, Hemp? Dang.
David:Let's go with damn.
Jake:2 b. Oh, no b. I don't know what's going on.
David:You know?
Jake:Is that what it was? Did you not know any others?
David:I I know some letters. Yeah.
Jake:Okay. Alright. Alright. Chris, you're you're up. You're up, my man.
Jake:Alright. Let's spin for Chris. Here we go. I watched Chris get banco on the first one. No.
Jake:500. Okay. Chris, what you got? Let's go
Jake:M? Got 2 m's. Got a $1,000 on the board. Alright. What you got?
Jake:You wanna spin?
Chris:Yeah. Let's spin.
Jake:Spinner by a ball. Alright. Some of the other ones might be oh my word. Barely misses Benko. $900.
Jake:What do you got? C. C, it is. Alright. 1 c.
Jake:There are no more consonants left, only vowels. Let's solve it. Alright. Let's solve it. What do you got?
Jake:Artisan command line. Artisan command line is correct. Nice job. Way to go, guys. Way to go.
Jake:47100 for David. We got a 1,000 for Chris. At this point, I don't know how to move forward from this one. So I'm gonna keep you guys. What's that?
David:You have to ask me out. I don't get that.
Michael:He wants
Jake:Don't you? Is it is that how it works? Is it the person who solves
Jake:Only they're only the only person who gets to keep their money? Yep. Okay. Oh, Chris with a $1,000 is the only one on the board now. Alright.
Jake:So I think that means we go to the next puzzle. Yes? Mhmm. Yep. Load puzzle 2.
Jake:Okay. We're gonna load puzzle 2, and PHP language is the category. Alright. So do we start with Chris or we start with
David:TJ? Chris? I think you start with Chris. Yeah.
Jake:Alright, Chris. I
David:think he gets home field advantage there.
Jake:Spin it up. K. Spin it. Let's go. Alright.
Jake:650. H. H. No h. We are over to TJ.
Jake:TJ, let's spin it up for you.
TJ:Let's spin it.
Jake:Alright. It's 500 for TJ.
TJ:We will do a c.
Jake:C. No c. Michael, weird to you. Oh. Spin it up.
Jake:Oh, Michael's got the crickets. Alright. Oh, $25100, Michael. What do you got?
Michael:Let's go for s.
Jake:S. Oh, 3 s's putting him at $75100. You're currently in the lead. What do you wanna do?
Jake:K. He's going for it. He's spinning. Hope for no bake. Bankrupt.
Jake:Wee. Oh.
David:He sees it way earlier than us too because we're like
Jake:That was yeah. Nobody's gotten it yet, so it's it's ready to go. Alright. $600.
Jake:T. 1 t. Bring your total to 81100. What do you wanna do? Play pass or vowel?
Jake:Spin. Spin. Okay. $500. Danger.
Jake:R. R. Okay. Wow. There are 5 r's.
Jake:1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Total of $25100 bringing you to $10,600. My gosh. Let's buy a vowel. K.
Jake:Vowel cost you 2.50. What you got?
Jake:E. 2 e's.
Michael:Let's buy another vowel.
Jake:Buy another vowel. Okay. O. O. There's one o.
Michael:Alright. Spin again.
Jake:Alright. Spin it up. Here we go. $10,100 on the line. Oh, 800.
Jake:Almost hit to lose a turn. Very close. Alright.
Jake:P? Yes. There's one p. Oh, he's trying to decide.
Jake:Spin? Oh, man.
David:Oh, god.
Jake:850. 850.
Jake:L. No l. Oh, man. Over to David. David, what do you wanna do?
Jake:Spin? I'm sure?
David:Can't buy. So I gotta spin.
Jake:Buy. Gotta spin. Lose a turn. No way. Oh, unlucky.
Jake:Oh, unlucky. Alright. Chris, that's to you. Chris, to you. Here we go.
Jake:Spending it up. $700. What do you wanna do? Let's
Chris:let's see. Let's go m.
Jake:M. No m's. I gotta tell you guys, this is not well, I don't wanna give any clues. No m's, which means we are back to TJ. TJ, what you got?
Jake:We're spinning. We gotta spin. You got no money.
Jake:Gotta spin. 650.
TJ:Buy a vowel.
Jake:Okay. Buy a vowel? Yep. No. You actually cannot buy a vowel because you don't have any money.
Jake:You cannot buy a vowel.
TJ:Yet. That's right.
TJ:2? Let's go with, g.
Jake:G? No g. Michael to you. You can buy a vowel or you can spin.
Michael:Buy a vowel.
Jake:K. Buy a vowel?
David:I want an I.
Jake:I? One I.
Michael:What is that first word? Buy another one. Give me
Jake:Buy another one.
Michael:Give me a u.
Jake:U. 1 u.
Michael:Buy an a. K.
Jake:Buy buy an a. Buy me an a. Buy buy a? Okay. There are no more vowels.
Jake:Only consonants left.
Jake:Spin. Oh, man. Oh, $10,000 on the line?
Michael:850. N.
Jake:N. One
David:n. What?
Jake:Solve. It is?
Michael:Syntax error surprise.
Jake:Syntax error surprise. Nicely done. Oh, man. With $9,350. You got the Michael is squarely in the lead.
Jake:Oh, that's a good one, guys.
Michael:I'm looking at that first
Jake:one, I'm That's a tough word.
Michael:Is I'm out of vowels, and they're not there.
Jake:That's a tough word. We need to have, like, a celebration music. Michael, do you have celebration music for when they sell?
Michael:Celebration music?
David:The wheel does not provide, dude. I got wheel. Provide.
Michael:All I've got is this.
David:I will be right back after these messages.
Jake:After these short messages from our sponsor. If you wanna feel slightly caffeinated, you might wanna listen to this season's brand new podcast featuring TJ Miller and Chris Gamir, where they talk about all of their developer happenings. Catch them next episode on Tuesdays at 8:7 CST.
David:Okay. That was really good.
Jake:Alright. There we go. Alright. New puzzle. New puzzle.
Jake:Here we go. Let's load number 3. Web development. This is a big one. Big one.
Jake:So lots of, opportunities for, points. Michael, you're first. Would you like let's spin. Spin to start. Yeah?
Jake:Okay. Wow.
Michael:Bam. Bam. Bam.
David:Bam. Bam. Bam.
Jake:Bam. Bam. Bam. Michael just went bank. Oh, 0 back to 0 from 9,350 all the way down to 0, and that is how the game goes.
Jake:David, back to you with $0. Let's spin. Wow. That was a rough one, guys. Mike alright.
Jake:David, 650. 650.
Jake:D. No d's. Dang. No d's. Alright, Chris.
Jake:To you with $1,000 in the lead. Let's spin. Spin it. 850. Let's go with g.
Jake:G? 1 g. You have the opportunity to sue so 1,850 now. Spin it again. Here we go.
Jake:Alright. 500. H. H. Oh.
Jake:No h. So 1,850 TJ to you. Let's spin it. Okay. 5 600, looks like.
TJ:I'm gonna go with t.
Jake:T. Good choice. There are 3 t's. 123. $1800 for you.
Jake:Nicely done. Would you like to spin or buy a vowel or pass?
TJ:Oh, let's spin.
Jake:Let's spin. K. 550.
TJ:What? M.
Jake:M, it is. There are no m's. Michael, to you. Spin.
Michael:Spin the wheel.
Jake:Oh, lose a turn. Bad luck for Michael. Oh, jeez. Oh, wow. Alright.
Jake:Hemp to you. Spin it up. Alright. 650.
Jake:R. It's a good choice. 2 r's. That gives you $1300 on the board.
David:A spin.
Jake:Alright. Spin it. Oh, there's a mystery prize on the wheel this time as well. 650. N.
Jake:N. There are 2 n's. Very good. That gives you $26100. What would you like to do?
David:Let's buy a vowel.
Jake:K. Buy a vowel.
Jake:I. There are 3 i's. Oh, boy. It just went by itself very quick there. 650.
Jake:K. 650.
David:I guess I'm spinning.
Jake:I guess I'll spend. Spend. Let's go with l. L. No l's.
Jake:Alright. Chris, to you. Spin. Spin.
Michael:Oh, gosh. Dang it.
Jake:That is
Jake:Let's go with f. F. No f's. T j to you. Spin or buy a vowel?
TJ:Let's, let's buy a vowel.
Jake:K. Buy a vowel? What would you like?
TJ:Let's do e.
Jake:E. There are 3 e's.
TJ:Let's buy another vowel. Buy another vowel.
Jake:Buy o. O. 1 o.
TJ:Buy another vowel. Buy another vowel. I'm doing it. Go with a. A.
Jake:There are 2 a's.
TJ:Man, I feel like I should be getting this, and I'm totally fine.
Jake:More vowels left. Yeah. So spin or pass?
TJ:Let's spin.
Jake:Alright. Spin. Here we go. $600.
TJ:Do c.
Jake:C. There are no c's. Michael, we are to you.
Michael:Spin it.
Jake:You gotta spin it. You got $0. You gotta spin it. 850. X.
Jake:X. Yes. Indeed. There is one x. 850 for you.
Michael:Spend again.
Jake:Spend it again. Got some money. Gotta get some money. 500. P.
Jake:P is correct, and that solves the puzzle. API integration expert. Congratulations. Yeah.
David:You gotta put it in there.
Jake:Wrong. Gotta play your music. Oh, sorry.
David:He's Australian.
Jake:He is Australian. Oh, it was a good one. How much time we got left, guys? Because we gotta do the we gotta do the one more. Let's do one more.
Jake:Okay. Rapid fire run. Let's do number 4. I like this too. I wish you guys could hear.
Jake:Oh, dang. Give you my money. Give me my money. Didn't I?
Michael:I don't know. Did you? I don't think you did.
Jake:I think I did.
Michael:Who knows?
Jake:Didn't I? How much did how much was that?
Michael:I don't remember.
Jake:The for the letter p?
Michael:I got two letters.
Jake:Yeah. Numbers, you can't have numbers. I know. It's common errors. I did I'll have to I'm gonna do a different one.
Jake:Sorry. Alright. One more. Here we go. Load puzzle number 5.
Jake:Coding humor. Yes. Okay. Coding humor. This is a good one.
Michael:Way to end.
Jake:Michael, how much do you think how much do you think I should have given you on that one?
Michael:I I don't know. I don't remember, to be honest.
Jake:Should we call it an even 1,000? I mean, I I can't imagine well, I mean, like, what was I mean, you probably got, like, what? Like, we'll say, like, 300. The average is probably, like, 300, and times 2 would be 600. So, like, we'll call it 1450.
Jake:4050? Call it 1450. Is that fair? Is that fair? Is that fair?
Michael:Sounds reasonable, sweet. Look. We can always go and consult the video replay at a later time.
Jake:That's right. Alright, Michael. Since you were the last player to play and solve, you get a chance to go first. So spin. Bye.
David:Bye. Bye. Okay.
Michael:And buy an a.
Jake:No a. Alright. That means over to David. David, what would you like to do?
David:Spin. Spin it.
Jake:Yeah. The effects really are lost because it's, like, $700. Sorry. The effects are lost because I get to hear the
Chris:boom boom boom
Jake:when I'm
David:clicking the button. An r.
Jake:Let's go for r. Yes. There's one r.
David:I'd like to spin.
Jake:Alright. He's going to spin again. Oh my gosh. $900. It's so close to Benco.
Jake:Did I give you that money? Did I even give you that money? I don't think I gave you that money. I didn't. Mhmm.
Jake:So you should be at $3,050 because that was 700.
Jake:One second. 3000 one second. Use 3050. Okay. There we go.
Jake:I got you. Alright. What's your next what's your next guess?
David:Honestly, what this thing is, you have that little arrow, and I think it after the round, you put their money down in their total.
Jake:Oh oh, that's what it is.
David:Because you do lose the money between rounds. Oh.
Jake:Totally. Okay.
David:If you're not doing it.
Michael:All of my all of my money was lost in that second round after the contest.
Jake:So you would have oh, so, like, your money would have been kept aside for that?
David:Yep. Amazing. Oh my gosh.
Jake:Alright. We're gonna have to play this again sometime. We'll do it again sometime. This is fine. So I gotta give you the money.
Jake:$4,850. Okay. Spin it up. K. $600.
Jake:$1,200. You're good. You're good.
David:Sheesh. Like an l.
Jake:L. Here we go. No l's. David's in the lead right
David:now with 4 top 10 on your voice.
Jake:Sorry, dude. Sorry. Sorry. Chris, to you. Spin it.
Jake:Spin it. Here we go. 550. S? S.
Jake:Oh, no s's. Wow. That is unbelievable, actually. Over to TJ. TJ, what do you wanna do?
TJ:Oh, let's spin.
Jake:Spin. Here we go. Gotta spin. Gotta get that money. 650.
TJ:Let's go with d.
Jake:D. Yes. There's 1 d giving you a 6.50. $1,700 your total now by vowel or spin?
TJ:It's by vowel. We'll go with e.
Jake:By vowel. E. There are 3 e's. Yes. Very good.
TJ:Let's let's spin.
Jake:Spin. Here we go. Spin? Oh, just missed the $25100.
TJ:Let's go with h.
Jake:H. No h's, Michael, to you. Spin. Spin. Here we go.
Jake:David's getting excited. It's like he knows what this one is. 500. Alright, Michael. What you got?
Jake:N. Yes. There are 2 n's giving you a $1,000. $22100 is your total.
Jake:Spin. Here we go. 700. That's a good one. So David's got that
Jake:Why? David's got that look on his face. No whys. No whys. David, do you?
David:I know this, so I'm gonna
Jake:spend, though. He's gonna spend.
David:I'm playing the vets here.
Jake:Alright. 850. Oh, dang. Good money.
Jake:C. Yes. There are 2 c's giving you $1700, 6 c 5.50. Spin it. Let's go.
Jake:Oh my gosh. Oh, Oh my gosh. Oh, Michael pushed the sound effect. Oh, no. Oh, man.
Jake:That was rough.
David:Rough. Place to the sun.
Jake:Was in the lead with 6550.
David:All that money
Jake:is gone. Oh, that one hurts. Stone hurts. Chris, over to you. We're gonna spin.
Jake:Alright. Chris is just behind our point leader with 1850. Chris, $500. Let's buy a vowel. Okay.
Jake:We're gonna buy a vowel?
Michael:You just spend. You just spend.
Jake:You can't spin and then buy a vowel, surely. Oh, sorry. I don't know. Oh, never mind. Hold on.
Jake:You already deducted the 2.50. Hold on. I give it back to you. Yeah. 1850.
Jake:K. We're good. We're back to even. Go ahead. There we go.
Jake:Go with f. F. Yes. For a $1,000 more, you are now our point leader, 2850. Alright.
Jake:What do you wanna do? I will solve it. He's gonna solve the puzzle? Oh. Turn cop into code.
Jake:Go ahead, Chris. I turned copy to code. I pressed the solve button before you solved it. Sorry, Chris. I turned copy to code.
Jake:You knew what it was. David, you were this close, bro.
David:I know pride cometh before the fall.
Jake:Oh, man.
David:That's called hubris.
David:That's hubris right there.
Jake:Hubris. Okay. So here's the thing, I think that I have one more I I think that I might have one more. I'm trying to I remember Do
David:you have that countdown kind of thing or whatever?
Jake:Same letter. Oh, yes. Okay. This isn't called same letter. Yeah.
Jake:Yeah. Yeah. I do have one like an express round. Let's see here. Boy.
Jake:Can I clear board? End game. No more on mystery round. Express round.
Michael:There you go.
Jake:Express round? Could do express round? Mhmm. Okay. Alright.
Jake:So let's do that. So in the the express round, you get, like, 2 constants and 3 vowels or something like that. I don't know what it is. What is it? 3 constant, 2 vowels?
David:Well, at the final one, when there's one person, you get r s t l n e.
Jake:Okay. You get r s t l n e. That's what you get?
Michael:Let's do it.
Jake:Yeah. But I don't
David:know if this is the same, like, rule set or whatever, but both, like, the 4th round both round is r s t l n e. Yeah.
David:So Generally, one person. Yeah.
Jake:Okay. They get,
David:like, 10 seconds.
Jake:Alright, Chris.
David:Also the winner. I'm gonna
Jake:I'm gonna do this real quick. Does that help? Is that what I'm doing? Am I doing it right here?
David:Yeah. But this this one is very it's usually, like, one word for the thing.
Jake:We could I I I don't know. I don't know what you wanna do here, guys.
David:Can you change the round type or no? No. We can't do that.
Jake:Normal round. Yeah. I can do normal round. Yeah. Because we're down
David:to 1 pretty quick. Yeah.
Jake:Okay. So let's do that. So, I guess we could just play it as a normal round. And, Chris, since you're going and we we're short on time, you can do this one, Chris. You wanna spin?
Jake:Yeah. Let's spin. Okay. Spin. Here we go.
Jake:Maybe next time we play this, we'll we'll do a little bit oh my gosh, Benko. Yeah. Chris with 2850. Nothing. Alright, TJ.
David:Welcome to the club.
Jake:Spin it. Oh, you're on mute, bro.
TJ:And there
Jake:we go. Yeah. We'll spin it. Yeah. We've had some bad luck here.
Jake:Dang. $500. Alright, Chris. Or, TJ, what you got?
TJ:Oh, let's go with, d.
Jake:D. There's a lot of them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Giving you $25100, putting you in the lead. Oh, spin it.
Jake:Spin it. David knows it.
Michael:So so do I.
Jake:Oh, dead then. Come on.
Michael:Some background. No.
TJ:Let's go with v.
Jake:V? Yes. There are 2 v's. We're giving you another $1,000, 52.50. Spin it up.
Jake:Spin it up. Deeds, bro.
David:If you know it,
Jake:do not
David:do not milk. The wheel won't be kind to you.
TJ:Let's go with m.
Jake:M. Yes. There are 2 m's. Total of another $1,000. 62.50 is what you're at.
TJ:Let's buy a vowel.
Jake:Okay. He's gonna buy a vowel?
Chris:We're gonna go with o.
David:Oh. Doesn't know it.
Jake:I don't.
David:You do know this.
TJ:I'm sure I do.
David:It's in the brain.
TJ:Is this,
Jake:You gotta you gotta say you're gonna solve it if
David:you're gonna solve it.
Jake:But Let's
TJ:let's let's go for the solve.
Jake:Let's just do it. Okay. He's gonna go for the solve. Go for it.
TJ:Die and dump driven development?
David:Yes. Oh, yeah.
Jake:Got it. Nice.
TJ:I'm staring at the sticker on my laptop right here.
Jake:That's awesome. Congrats congrats. TJ, you are our winner of the 2024 Christmas ExtravaganZZa. Nicely drawn. Nicely done.
Jake:That was, man, a lot of lead changes in that game. We had Michael with over $10,000 at one point. David had a huge stack of cash over there.
Michael:Pretty good.
Jake:Chris was our points leader going into the last round and then bankrupt on his first spin. TJ, $6,000 is the the the number to beat for next year. What do you guys do you think we should bring this back for next year? This one? This is great.
Michael:I like this.
David:I like this. A little fortunate so far.
Michael:Have to watch this. We can split this into 2 2 episodes. We can do we can do some shorts. We can show everyone getting bankrupted.
Jake:We should. Yeah. Honestly, I feel like we yeah. You should add some sound effects in here or something too. This is a really fun one.
Jake:I really enjoyed this.
David:It's good.
Jake:Maybe we should do it again sometime. Awesome.
Michael:I think we should wait 12 months to do it. I think we should
Jake:I agree. We insist every time. Really. Every time. It wasn't actually that bad.
Jake:Here's the deal. Michael, you have to be the guy to put it in the thing and schedule it. If you can do that, I can handle the game, and the other guys can just show up. That's what we need to do. Let's do it.
Jake:Okay. Alright. Wheel of fortune, and maybe we could have some crazy guest or something. Maybe we could put somebody else on there.
David:I think Ben Holman would like this.
Jake:Yeah. We can only do 4 players. That's the only thing. We can only do 4 players.
David:I'll be Vanna.
Jake:You give me Vanna away? Yeah. I can give you we can do 2 pull, and you can, control the letters. I'll let you click the letters. Perfect.
Michael:Love it. Nice. Alright.
Jake:We're gonna wrap it up. Hey, everybody. Yep. What episode is it, Michael? What are we on?
Michael:Who could say? 168?
Jake:168, everybody. Find show notes for this episode at 168. Hit us up on your or sorry. Rate us up on your podcast. Your choice 5 stars would be incredible.
Jake:Hit us up on Twitter at 6 live atchrisgemeier@davidhempel@jacobennett@michaeldirecta. Chris, is that right? Chris Germeier? No. It's Sienna Gameier.
TJ:And it's a, hey, TJ Miller.
Jake:Oh, yeah. I never get yours right anymore. Hey, TJ Miller. It's so funny because you think that'd be the easier one to remember Hey. TJ Miller.
Jake:6 live or hey, TJ Miller. Yeah. I'll try to remember from none. Hey, TJ Miller. Alright, everybody.
Jake:It was awesome. I'm fine. Awesome. Good hanging out with, with all you folks, and, we'll see you in see you in the next one.
Michael:Yeah. See you.